I met Knop when he was stationed in Ft. Hood, Tx. he was a outgoing most fun person to be around, if you were ever in the dumps Knop would be there to bring you up… And he always had a smile on his face rain or shine… He is a wonderful person and a great soldier for our country he will always be in our prayers and thoughts!!! God Bless you !!! we love you Knop – love Heather and Gary Davis ~ Heather and Gary Davis, Luling, Texas
I just wanted to say to the family I am so sorry for your loss. I had Al as a biology student his sophomore year at Chardon and thoroughly enjoyed him in class. He was definitely always the “class clown”, but he did it in such a way that his humor was enjoyable. He truly was a great kid with a big heart. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to get to know him. He’s one of those students you never forget, and I definitely never will never forget him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ~ jodie tagliaferri, chardon, Ohio
When I think of Al, I think of all the good times and it just makes me laugh. The best was when me and Jocleyn went down to Texas to visit him, we can go on for hours and hours about all the funny stories we have from that trip, and trust me we still talk about it religiously! It remains the best two weeks of our lives!! I had always hoped that Al and Jocelyn would get married, he was such an awesome guy and they loved each other so much. It really is easy to see why everybody loved Al, from family, to friends, and to his Army brothers. Al is a hero and will forever be in all of our hearts!!! I miss you Al!! ~ Ashley Tambor, Willowick