I consider myself among those who are part of a dying breed. We remember life when there wasn’t a tv or computer screen in nearly every room of the house, let alone cell phones in our faces every waking moment of the day… An era when we spent more time outside with our friends.. A time when our parents had to track us down and force us to come home for dinner most nights. Every generation has seen dramatic technological changes sweep across the world. I belong to the generation who have possibly seen the most staggering changes while also being young enough at the time to adapt to those changes without issue. Gen X. We have a unique perspective of the world. I can remember rotary phones and party lines; penny candies and quarter pop machines.. 79 cent gas, cursive writing and letters from grandma. I can remember the days when Uncle Sam needed a hard line wire tap to know what we were doing; when security cameras didn’t line the exterior of nearly every building. It’s clear we are living in a different world today.. But one thing they can never do is erase the music we grew up on! I am proud to play these incredible Classic Hits for you. They remind me of a better time. A time when we weren’t, ‘under the microscope,’ so to speak. When I’m ‘behind the microphone’ in the studio and a song comes on I find myself effortlessly remembering where I was when it made an impact on my life; how it made me feel and how things seemed simpler then.. I’m not certain if our music does the same for you or if you simply listen because you like the songs, but I’m glad you’re here for the ride and I thank you for tuning in!